by Dennis McLaughlin
More than in years past, it appears Greystone “Southers’ have really put some effort into preparing their yards for springtime. Maybe it was the long drawn out winter that inspired everyone to get outdoors on that rare occasion when temperatures crept up over 32 degrees. Anyway, keep up the good work. Come May and June, and this place should look spectacular.
Special acknowledgment goes to residents who have helped neighbors deal with difficult tasks like clearing snow from driveways, walkways and steps, removing fallen branches, mowing lawns and picking up leaves. Thanks, in particular to Eric Wadman and his grandson, who always seem to be around with a chainsaw or snow blower when neighbors could use an extra hand. If you know of any good Samaritans in the vicinity, let us know, so we can say, “Thanks.”
The Yard Waste Saga continues. In December, January and February there was conflicting information about pickup dates. Then in late February it was confirmed that yard waste would be removed once in March, on the 12th, and regular weekly service would resume in April. Then, yesterday, March 19, I peered out the window and saw a compost truck cruising around looking for yard waste. At this point I can’t tell you if they will be here on the 25th (they’re not scheduled). As one waste management exec, Tony Soprano, used to shrug and say when perplexed: “Whatta ya gonna do?
Reservations For Park Use can be secured by contacting GESHA Board member John Johnson, 816-935-7793, and filling out a reservation form available on this website. Graduation season is approaching, so if you are interested in throwing a party or reception – or just want to have a gathering or birthday celebration or what have you – this spring check with him on availability.
Already Saturday and Sunday mornings over Memorial Day Weekend are reserved, as is Saturday May 19 from 2 pm to 7 pm.
Annual Curbside Large Item Pickup takes place Saturday June 9. You should have what you want removed on the curb by 7 am that morning. FYI: Items should limited in size to no tha what two men can handle. Items that WILL NOT be picked up include car batteries, tires, yard waste, appliances, paints, chemicals construction materials over 4 feet in length. Items APPROVED for removal include furniture, mattresses, household trash, TVs et al.